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Women in Tech Tampa Bay: Maria Juan, VP of Marketing and Communications at Peerfit

Member Spotlights


2 min read · Mar 1

About The Author

Allie Felix

In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, Embarc Collective is excited to introduce you to Women in Tech Tampa Bay — a content series profiling women who are building at Embarc Collective and how they’ve built their careers.

Meet more women tech founders and investors across the state of Florida here.

Meet Maria Juan, VP of Marketing and Communications at Peerfit.

What pivotal points in your career led to your current role?

I graduated from USF with a degree in dance so my dream was to always perform. Throughout my performing career, I saw non-profit dance companies and emerging artists needed help on the administrative side. So I began to take on side gigs and freelance work helping with marketing and promotion while I was also dancing. My willingness to take on the jobs and responsibilities others didn’t have continued to help push me forward in my career.

What do you wish you had known earlier in your career?

Schooling is essential but not a replacement for experience. I thought by going to school would get me jobs right away but it wasn’t until I took on an internship (unpaid back then) that I really saw how much I could learn in real-time.

What communities, networks, or resources have helped you build in your career?

I consider myself to be a sponge. I will listen and read anything that I feel will provide me value. I have quite a few areas where I frequent- LinkedIn to follow key contributors and marketing professionals, I am in a few networking marketing groups, I receive many blogs and newsletters daily like Hustle, Daily Carnage, Raisen Bread, Rand Fishkin’s blog, DGMG to name a few, there are TONS of great marketing podcasts that I’ve been on and heard, and when I have the time, I read actual books 😂

What is one piece of tactical advice that you would give to another woman considering your career path?

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Even if you get a no, it’s now front of mind, and others know what your goals are. And when stated, it makes your goals more real.

Connect with Maria and follow Peerfit.

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